The Load Saver and Save Saver buttons are located in the lower right of the Settings dialog. These buttons are used for creating your own screen saver module.

Load Saver
Click on the Load Saver button to load a screen saver module. The information in the module will be appended to any information already loaded into the calendar, the picture list and the quote list.

This Load Saver button (in the lower right) works differently from the one in the Screen Saver Modules section. When you use this button it will not add the module to the Loaded Screen Saver Modules list.

Clicking on the Load Saver button will bring up a file browser. Locate the screen saver module (.ssm file) that you want to load. If the module you select has reminder data for the calendar then you will be asked whether you want that data appended to any information currently in the calendar.

The first loaded module sets the font, timing, colors and display settings. Loading additional modules does not change the font and display settings set by the first loaded module.

Save Saver
Click on the Save Saver button to save the current configuration as your own custom screen saver module. The information in the calendar, the picture list and the quote list will be saved out to a .ssm file. Display settings and font preferences are also saved in screen saver modules.

If there are items on the picture list when the Save Saver button is pressed then the .ssm file will have references to picture paths. These picture pathnames are relative to the directory where Screen Scapes is located.

Read the section on Creating a Custom Screen Saver for more information.

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